Video: Donut-Hating Cop Arrests Donut Maker

The sun and moon, steak and potatoes, burger and fries, brats and beer. Without a question, there are just some things that go together like two peas in a pod. What’s more, much like a harsh comic, a comedians act is funny because there is usually some truth behind their words.

A cop and donuts aren’t an unfamiliar sight either. The two go together much like their black and white Crown Vic cruisers and service-issued duty weapon, which is why it’s amusing to poke fun when the pair are witnessed together. Why else would a cop and a donut be amusing?

Moving on, when we got wind of a donut-hating cop we had to verify its truth. That would be like Shaquille O’neal making free throws. It’s just plain nonsense. Borderline Voodoo. We just had to verify the rumors. 

It would essentially set the world upside down in complete disbelief. A donut-hating cop? Wait, what? We wouldn’t have been able to believe the rumors either unless we discovered some undeniable truth in the form of this YouTube video.

The video begins as any typical tire-smoking feature would. It’s in the perfect setting including, a mildly-built Chevelle, an audience, a virgin street ready for a tattoo and plenty of smokey-awesomeness. It’s pretty obvious what’s going to happen.

As the Chevelle enters the intersection, the driver lays into the throttle and whips the A-body into a smokey dance. It seems to be going well. The audience cheers the driver on and sure enough, the driver continues to sling the Chevelle around in complete anarchy; making any law-abiding citizen plain mad.

That’s when things take an abrupt turn for the worse. Just when you thought the coast was clear, the man is always watching. It’s an all too familiar tone. The sound of sirens and the demanding commands of one, very pissed-off and power-hungry deputy taking charge of the situation. Sadly though, there’s no rescue from the audience. The driver is placed with hands behind the back; immediately cuffed.

Apparently, it’s true. Cops hate donuts. Especially when you’re making them on the street.

About the author

Sean Haggai

The former Associate Editor of Chevy High Performance, joins publication Chevy Hardcore, Sean is a true blue Bow Tie guy and a core do-it-yourself technician. If it doesn't run a "mouse motor" or a big rat between fenders, Sean ain't interested.
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