Video: Even Grandma’s Olds Deserves A Shot At The Autocross Course

In what was almost certainly the most certainly the most exciting run at the SCCA’s Misery Bay autocross event last September, this brave soul took to the starting line in a bone-stock Oldsmobile 88 to put the big sedan through its paces.

2The 88 is not exactly an ideal recipe for fast autocross times – a large four door that sends its V6 power through the front wheels, this is a vehicle tuned for the maximization of comfort for its occupants by way of a thoroughly compliant suspension tuning and a high center of gravity.

But perhaps the most anti-performance component of our hero’s steed is the narrow all-season whitewalls its rolling on, which scream with hateful rage at the first sign of turn-in where ever possible. All told, it’s a recipe for unyielding understeer, brake dive, and a really entertaining lap around the course at Lake Erie Speedway in Pennsylvania.

2123Considering what our driver is working with, the lap is actually pretty composed, and we wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up embarrassing more than a couple of guys out there with more car than they know what to do with.

There’s also something strangely satisfying about imagining someone in a brand new sports coupe pulling up next to this guy on the way home from the track with the numbers still on the doors. If you’ve ever wondered whether your car is worthy of a day at the autocross, this should run leave you with absolutely no excuses left to use.

About the author

Bradley Iger

Lover of noisy cars, noisy music, and noisy bulldogs, Brad can often be found flogging something expensive along the twisting tarmac of the Angeles Forest.
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