Video: Exclusive Tour Of A Private South Florida Car Collection

Car Show Television recently published a video they filmed during a private tour of one of South Florida’s most clandestine collections. Although the owner of the collection did not wish to be disclosed (we don’t blame him/her), simply getting the chance to check out the showcase was more than any enthusiast could ask for.

Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 3.01.47 PMShow host Andrew McClary introduced Ken Baker, the collection’s caretaker who served as the tour guide during Car Show TV’s twenty minute video. It’s definitely a video on a bit of the long side, but worth checking out as it’s basically a full episode and we’re sure you’ll be glad you did!

Ken Baker both manages the collection and works at Pedigree Motor Cars as a curator. McClary and Baker met at “The Zoo” also known as The Styles Collection, a notorious showcase of muscle era automobiles managed by Brian Styles. It was here that they setup plans for a private look at the collection featured today.

Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 3.03.05 PMAccording to Baker, the collection is the product of over 50 years spent accumulating various rides. The anonymous owner’s passion for cars began with their love for Cadillacs. Baker says that the owner had purchased their first car in high school, a Cadillac, for a mouth dropping $86. As the owner grew up and became more financially well off they started to develop a love for Mercedez Benz.

From the cars that are spotlighted in the video above, its easy to tell that his passion for classic luxury lines eventually expanded to cover big names like Duesenberg, Bentley, Rolls Royce, and Packard just to name a few.

There are a couple spotlights that caught Rod Authority’s eye – a 1929 Model J Duesenberg, a ’31 Model J, and a ’29 Rolls Royce. While all cars are in pristine condition the ’29 Model J is truly special because as Ken Baker explains it has been completely restored to factory original condition. All numbers are matching on the parts and it was brought back to life as it would have looked when it came of the line. The forest/money green paint job is classy as well. The ’29 Rolls Royce with an off white body, matching white walls and beautiful chrome work evokes the majesty of this classic luxury line.Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 3.11.20 PM

It’s not everyday that people get an inside look at private car collections so this was definitely a treat for us to watch here at Rod Authority, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did!Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 2.59.17 PM

About the author

Andrew Almazan

Andrew Almazan is a graduate of CSULB with a degree in English and a passion for traditional kustoms and hot rods. His first exposure to out of this world vehicles was through the prevalent low rider, baja bug, and kustom culture of LA county.
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