We’d like to introduce you to Mark Mcilyar. Mark is 53 years old, inventor of the “Abs After 40” workout program, and looks and sounds like a swole George W. Bush. He’s also producing a reality show pilot called Fast From the Past that will take old muscle cars through a transformation to turn them into road-race-worthy competition vehicles.
In this particular video, though, Mark is mostly interested in showing viewers how to exercise effectively without needing a gym, demonstrating with his 1971 big block Corvette race car. He’s a legit car enthusiast, and is dead serious about combining his love of high performance vehicles and fitness. First, he goes through some reverse crunches and scissors kicks using the weight of the car to anchor himself (and grabbing a big handful of side-pipe to do it, which we probably wouldn’t recommend if the car has been driven recently), then moves to modified pushups using the door sill of the car to support his feet.
The final feat of strength comes as he pushes the 2,900 pound car back and forth across the parking lot, getting a cardio workout and managing not to run himself over in the process. After getting his heart rate up by shoving the car around, Mark wraps things up by giving us a look at his abs, and no matter what else you might think of his car workout, the dude is definitely ripped.
After watching the video, you might consider integrating your own car into your workout routine. Who knows? It might be the Next Big Thing. If you tried to describe Crossfit to somebody ten years ago they’d think you were out of your mind, so perhaps Mark Mcilyar has invented something that will be as common in the future as flipping tractor tires and hopping onto wobbly platforms is today.