Video: K&N Tops 1000HP Slick “Ultra Rod”

Building hot rods from scratch is a practice that is surely on the endangered species list. After all, with the plethora of kits, components and ever-renewing finds, why would anyone invest in a scratch-built piece of rolling sculpture? For one Palmetto, FL, shop owner, its all about not doing “something that would blend in anywhere.”

Slicks Garage is a place where customers can have it their way, whether that means a 1000 horsepower,Vortech V-7 YSi supercharger-powered project car, or a 60mpg, 1932 Ford with a 50’s Rockola jukebox look because of the front-mounted hydrogen injection system.

A long-time fan of K&N products, they form an integral component and any new project’s design at Slick’s Garage. “To keep the supercharger from premature breakdown we kept clean air coming in thanks to a K&N air filter.”

Their most recent creation was found sitting on the carpeted expanse at the 2010 SEMA Show. The Ultra Rod is a custom, hand-built fiberglass body that is available as a standard hand-laid project, or as a low-VOC (lower styrene content and acetone free cleanup) product.

“I built The Ultra as a tribute to what hot rodding has been over the years and what it has become.” The House of Kolor’s matte black exterior finish is matched with a high grade red leather interior and a matte red finish from Valspar for the one piece dash and center console. The Ultra is available to order as a rolling chassis, or as a full custom assembled vehicle from Slick’s Garage.

“My parents and my brothers and I have had car lots, junk yards, wrecker services, mechanic shops, tire shops, even a car insurance agency. If you love what you do, you immerse yourself into all aspects of it, and learn all you can to better yourself and to provide a better service to your customers.”

Aside from gaining national attention, Slick’s Garage is a sort of local celebrity, currently being featured on a local TV series titled Tail Fins and Chrome. A new segment of the series called “Slicks Tricks,” features Slick demonstrating his tricks of the tradeĀ for the home car enthusiast. See the video below for a full view.

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