Video: One Owner 1965 T5 In Germany

The Mustang was recently voted the most desirable classic car in Europe, and recently Ford has been showing us why. Unlike in the USA, where there’s a Mustang to be seen or heard in nearly every parking lot, in Europe the cars are far more rare. They’re also unlike anything else on the road in Europe, again because the car is an American product that wasn’t designed and built there.

When it was offered for import during it’s first generation, Mustangs that went to Germany were known as the T5. This was because German manufacturer Krupp had already trademarked the name. So nowhere on real cars imported to Germany does it say Mustang.

As the latest part of the Ford Mustang Countdown video series by Ford, the Blue Oval takes a look at one T5 owner, Ms Kathe Lowe. Lowe has owned her T5 since it was new, and her husband had it imported to the country. She recalls the first time she saw the car when they picked it up in Antwerp in November of 1965. “What a car,” was her reaction.

Lowe and her T5 have racked up numerous awards and trophies throughout the years, she has cabinets and shelves full of them. The white 1965 Fastback is no doubt an unusual site on the roads in Germany. She has the original purchase information for the car, as well as numerous photographs showing it off over the years, including a few with her children.

It’s rare enough to find a one owner Mustang that’s more than a few years old in the USA, let alone an all original T5 that has been in the same hands for nearly fifty years. Lowe says after so many years of ownership this is her dream car. It’s nice to see that for some owners little has changed in almost 50 years.

About the author

Don Creason

Don Creason is an automotive journalist with passions that lie from everything classic, all the way to modern muscle. Experienced tech writer, and all around car aficionado, Don's love for both cars and writing makes him the perfect addition to the Power Automedia team of experts.
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