Video: Rosie The Riveter Original Still Hard At Work At 93!

rockwell_rosietheriveterDuring World War II, the women’s work force took on a whole new identity. With men going overseas to serve, women were tasked with occupying the factories in order to become the lifeline for the military. From munitions, vehicles, and war supplies, the women of America responded to their country’s call to action.

Women eventually rallied under the icon of Rosie the Riveter, a reoccurring character in music who first appeared in a song written by Redd Evans and John Jacob Loeb.

The song had many renditions and the culture of Rosie became a national hit. In these songs Rosie is portrayed as a tireless and hardworking assembly line worker. “The name is said to be a nickname for Rosie Bonavitas who was working for Convair in San Diego, California.

The labor force quickly latched on to the character and Rosie became a banner that women rallied under. She symbolized feminism, economic power, and changing the perception of a male dominated workplace.

After the Second World War women were strongly urged if not expected to return back to their domestic duties as housewives and homemakers. Though many did, some had embraced the allure of stepping outside cultural expectations and stayed within the factories for years, some for decades.

One of those women who continued to work the factory gig long after the war was recently spotlighted, Elinor Otto.

Elinor lives in Long Beach, California and works at the Boeing plant locally. She wakes up every morning at 4:00 a.m. in order to rivet the wing sections of C-17 cargo planes. This is the same job she’s been doing throughout various aircraft assembly plants since 1942!

We_Can_Do_It!As one of the original “Rosie the Riveter” girls, Elinor takes a grade deal of pride in women’s contributions during the war and how it opened up the door for empowerment and liberation. She says, “We were part of this big thing, we hoped we’d win the war. We worked hard as women, and were proud to have that job.”

She started out at a humble 65 cents an hour and nowadays makes close to $40 an hour. What had been a regular job opportunity at the time eventually became a passion for her – the routine, camaraderie, and social time she got with fellow coworkers on the weekends shaped a whole new lifestyle that she fell in love with.

After the war, Elinor attempted to return to jobs designated for the “women’s sector” such as office work, clerical duties, and a carhop on roller skates. These were all things that didn’t appeal to her especially after her time in the factories. The economic boom for the aircraft market in Southern California after the war brought her out west. Her skill with the rivet gun made her an ace candidate to fill a position on the line at Boeing. Elinor says, “I’m a working person, I guess. I like to work. I like to be around people that work. I like to get up, get out of the house, and get something accomplished during the day.”

At 93 Elinor is a true inspiration. In the video she exhibits so much vitality and her boss at the plant even made a comment on her spirit, “When I think to myself, Why am I slowing up? Why am I home? I think that Elinor is at work and Elinor is 93!’”0908_NWS_LPT-L-C17-36-L

About the author

Andrew Almazan

Andrew Almazan is a graduate of CSULB with a degree in English and a passion for traditional kustoms and hot rods. His first exposure to out of this world vehicles was through the prevalent low rider, baja bug, and kustom culture of LA county.
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