Video: Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em – Musclecars Leaving Their Mark

Far too often here in the states, we see car events get shut down because of too many complaints and too much destruction. Sometimes, that destruction is to the spectators on the side of the road when a certain, ahem, modern musclecar crashes into them.


Images courtesy of Fileeraus Videography.

Okay, granted, it’s not always one particular make and model that crashes, but nonetheless we are sternly warned that we should not attempt a burnout when leaving a car show, we should not rev our engines, and Heaven forbid – the Holy Grail of “just don’t do it” – we should not engage in speed contests.

There are a few events that hold regular burnout contests and they even hand out awards for the best burnout, the most smoke, and the one who shredded his tires. Remember when it was a set of rear tires that was awarded the best burnout? It almost seemed pointless, but man did it ever attract a crowd.

And from time to time, we get alerted to videos like the one above from one of our friends in Finland. We’ve seen how much they love their American musclecars there, and we’ve seen a few displays of power on public streets, but this spectacular burnout party was the type we used to have here in the states.

To say these guys shred their tires is an understatement, but even more interesting is when we did a search to see the location of this burnout party, even Google maps returns an image that proves how much these people love their burnouts. We asked our friend Elias if they have any trouble with the law over there, and he said, “The police drove once past the event and they were just smiling.” Ahhh, those were the days.


Here, Google Maps proves that they are having way too much fun in Nastola, Finland.

About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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