Loving your car is not uncommon in the hot rod world, but just because you adore your ride doesn’t mean that you take care of it properly, like any loved one should do.
On this Valentine’s Day (yes, we know how commercialized it is, but still), we wanted to remind you that love for your ride also means maintaining it in the best way possible. Who better to help convey that than iconic 1930s cartoon character Betty Boop in the all-time classic “So Does an Automobile”. Check it out above, compliments of Classic World Cartoons on YouTube!
While we all get worn out and run down at times, as Betty Boop points out, so does your car–especially if it’s a classic that’s seen plenty of years of good use. That’s what makes maintaining your ride so important!
Of course, we’ve all heard about changing the oil regularly, maintaining “clean” gas in the tank, and checking the pressure in our tires, but we’re all a bit guilty of letting some of these tasks slide every now and then.
That’s why we thought this cartoon helped give a friendly reminder that the more maintenance you do on your car now, the less work it will be to get it in working shape in the future.
No matter what your vehicle’s purpose, whether it’s a collection piece, parade cruiser, show goer, or full-out daily driver your car will be happier with even basic maintenance. That means instead of sitting on your couch eating chocolates this Valentine’s day, maybe it’d be a better use of your time to show your car a little bit of love. After all, if you don’t show your ride the love and care that it needs, she’s sure to put you in a predicament down the line when it’s the least of your needs!