Video: Turbo Aerial Atom Might be the Coolest Roll Racer at TX2K14

It’s an overly simplified concept, but when you think about it power to weight ratio is upon the most crucial metrics to consider in any build. The problem with maximizing that equation is that with less weight usually comes with less potential for power. The owner of this Aerial Atom took that concept and flipped it upside down. With this build he had his cake and ate it too. Not only does the Atom lack any kind of serious weight, but also has enough balls to be competitive, even if it didn’t have such a size advantage. Basically what we’re looking at here is a street legal go cart with what claims to be a 700 horsepower turbo assisted power plant strapped to the rear. With a factory curb weight of just over 1300lbs, it must be a blast to get behind the wheel and let ‘er rip.

When it comes to TX2k, the 700hp bracket is pretty much entry level, but when it comes to the weight advantage the Atom is able to hang with what we assume to be much more powerful cars. We’re sure that in a normal setting where all the cars aren’t steroided up, this man child sized go cart would eat up the majority of which you threw at it.

Atom3With a plate that spells out “Hood Rich” it looks to us that the mindset of the owner is biased heavily toward having a crazy good time. The atom is essentially every 12 year old’s dream and most of us grown folk wouldn’t mind owning one either. This build really gets back to the roots of why we all do what we do in the first place. Thumbs up to the owner of this car and an A+ for originality. You sir, are doing it right!

About the author

Jesse Kleiber

Jesse is currently a Senior at the University of Delaware and has been a car freak his entire life, probably due to his dad being a mechanic. If he's not at school or writing about cars, he's probably under the hood or behind the wheel of his '00 Corvette.
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