Video: Twin-Engine Yugo Boasts 1000 Cubic Inches Of Autocross Power

At a quick glance, nobody would ever expect the Yugo to contain twins.

As we all know, power to weight ratio is a big thing when it comes to going fast. Therefore, throwing as much power as possible at a small car has been a popular choice for years. Not only is it functional, but the power to weight concept usually conjures up some quite interesting projects as well. This Yugo takes this idea to an all new plateau.

“What is so unique about it?” you ask. A 500 cubic inch Cadillac Engine resides on either end of the Yugo’s body. That’s right, there is one for each axle. Now, the engines may negate some of the weight advantages, but the combined 900awhp they provide more than makes up for it. For those of you who aren’t quite getting the magnitude of this thing, that’s 1,000 American cubic inches creeping in on almost 1,000hp in something the size of your environmentalist friend’s Smart Car. This is the most ideal definition of a grown man’s go cart.

Front and rear engines respectively

With the Caddy powerplants weighing in at a whopping 1,500+ lbs, they are somewhere in the ballpark of the gross weight of the car coming in a bit north of 3,000 lbs. In addition to the gobs of power, the car has a good amount of attention to body work to fit the engines.

The factory sheet metal has been widened to fit the behemoth blocks of iron. With hours and countless dollars invested, this car is still no slouch or trailer queen as the 1,000 Cubic inch Yugo regularly competes in track events. If this thing doesn’t scream “unique” we aren’t quite sure what does. And you thought Yugos were throwaway cars.

About the author

Jesse Kleiber

Jesse is currently a Senior at the University of Delaware and has been a car freak his entire life, probably due to his dad being a mechanic. If he's not at school or writing about cars, he's probably under the hood or behind the wheel of his '00 Corvette.
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