Video: Ugliest Malibu Body Kit Ever?

Most of the time, we bring you performance news, but today we’re going to take a break and show you something a little bit different. We all know that it takes something special to put together a machine that can make it down the track in a hurry.

It may be an even more rare occurrence to find someone who can take a perfectly good daily and make it look like it belongs to a smurf. Yeah, we’ve all seen our fair share of ricers, but as this video title states, this may be the “Worst body kit ever.”

Seriously?? Someone thought this looked good? Maybe it was a free prototype give-away part for registering at the local casino.

A lot of us have been there, feeling the need to gaudily modify our cars, then a little thing called puberty happens.

I must admit, back in my teen years, this author has made a few questionable decisions when it came to modifying cars.

One day, though something usually clicks in the brain that smacks you in the face and changes everything.

It seems as if that all-important event never happened for the driver of this Chevy Malibu.

Even though the Chevy Malibu isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when someone talks about modifying a car, a commuter car can certainly look clean if you absolutely must modify it.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, somewhere behind the wall in left field, we found this guy.

Not only does the car boast of a terrible body kit with paint peeling, but the luggage-handle spoiler makes the car look like it’s ready to become a rolling suit case or lunchbox.

Take this as a public service announcement. If you get a feeling like you’re about to impersonate any events in this video, call for help immediately. 1-800-bad-taste.

About the author

Jesse Kleiber

Jesse is currently a Senior at the University of Delaware and has been a car freak his entire life, probably due to his dad being a mechanic. If he's not at school or writing about cars, he's probably under the hood or behind the wheel of his '00 Corvette.
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