Video: What Makes A Roush F-150 One Of A Kind?

Image Source: Roush Performance

Image Source: Roush Performance

With the Roush Performance line of vehicles continuing to expand we’re excited to see cars (and trucks) like the 2016 Roush F-150 available at dealers.

This begs the question: what can we expect from the 2016 Roush F-150? What makes Roush’s take on Ford’s new aluminum-bodied F-150, so unique? Luke MacInnes, Product Engineering Manager at Roush Performance, helps us to answer that question.

roush_f150_rearviewGRFrom the Stage 1 through 3 Mustangs, to the ’16 F-150, these vehicles are centered around a unique and unrivaled style of performance. Building upon that with the ’16 Roush F-150, the front bumper cover was designed to funnel fresh air into the Roush supercharger’s front-mount intercooler, which is mounted directly behind the bumper. And while we’re on the subject of unique components equipped on this F-150, even the floor mats are specific to this Roush Performance vehicle, which are made by WeatherTech.

If the Roush specific floor mats aren’t enough to excite you, how about a Roush supercharged 5.0 liter V8? The supercharger from Roush will be available on the ’16 Roush Supercharger F-150 model only, and features a signature Roush 2300 supercharger kit, like the ones available through Roush and its dealers. Like the kit that’s available to buy, you can expect a dual-ported throttle body, a Roush Open Air intake system, and a Roush intercooler system as well. All while retaining Roush’s 3 year/36,000 mile limited warranty.

At a starting price of only $10,600 for the entry level ’16 F-150 package, we’d say it’s not a bad way to spend your money if you’re looking for a replacement truck. Head over to Roush Performance’s website for more details on the 2016 Roush F-150, and check out the standard equipment below.

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About the author

Harrison Noble

Living in San Diego for most of his life, Harrison was exposed to a variety of cars at an early age. His passion for anything that is fast, or has a V8, brought him to Power Automedia.
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