Videos: Vintage Muscle Car Collection For Sale In Atlanta

Craigslist can be a savior to people who are well-versed in the buying-and-selling online world. Recently we came across this post in Atlanta of a guy helping his mother (!) to sell off her all of her classic and muscle cars. Many of these cars are rare finds, and the seller claims that nearly all are low-mile cars. They have numerous Pontiac Judge and Judge clones, a pair of Grand Nationals, a ’70 Buick GSX, and a W30 442 among others. The ad leaves a little bit to be desired – although there are a number of still shots, there isn’t much more information than that.  The seller directs you to a number of YouTube videos chronicling the assortment of machines that are for sale.

You’d think this would normally be a great time for the seller to go into detail each make and model of the cars you are looking at, other pertinent details of each ride, things like that, right? Not in this case – the seller neglected to add any sound at all to the videos, no commentary, no music, nothing. As the quadruplet of videos are between six and fifteen minutes long, sitting in silence and watching them is an exercise in patience.

There are definitely some great cars for sale, though, and most of them appear to be in relatively good shape, especially the Grand Nationals. Those are so hard to find in good shape anymore that they should get snapped up quickly. If you’re in the market for a new hotrod, take a look through this collection. Transport fees are still semi-reasonable…

About the author

Jason Reiss

Jason draws on over 15 years of experience in the automotive publishing industry, and collaborates with many of the industry's movers and shakers to create compelling technical articles and high-quality race coverage.
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