Vote Now to Save the Monopoly Race Car

Monopoly is one of America’s most beloved board games. If you’ve played, then you probably have a favorite game piece as your “go to” piece. Scrambling to be the first one to pick the piece you most identify with is all part of the fun. In an effort to keep it interesting and updated, Hasbro, maker of the classic game, has decided it’s time to retire one of the current “tokens” and replace it with a new one.

On the Hasboro Facebook page, fans are given the chance to have their say by casting their vote via the “save your token” app. All of the current pieces including the iron, Scottie dog, wheelbarrow, shoe, top hat, thimble, battleship, and race car are on the chopping block. The aspiring Monopoly game pieces are a robot, helicopter, cat, guitar, and diamond ring. Both the loser and the winner will be announced on February 6th, 2013.

Save the Racecar!

Now, this might sound like a fun little marketing stunt, but the reality is someone’s favorite piece is not going to pass go. I’m willing to bet if you are reading this article, your go-to piece is probably the same as ours – the race car. If we all band together, we can make sure it doesn’t end up in jail.

That’s why we have joined in on the campaign of millions to Save The Race car and we are asking you to do the same.

Having been introduced in 1935, the race car is one of the earliest Monopoly game tokens and has always been the favorite of many. In 1998, on the heels of its last crusade to add a new Monopoly token, Hasboro conducted a poll to determine the most popular piece.

When the results were tallied the race car came out on top with 18% of the votes. Having 3 weeks left to vote in the current campaign, the race car is in 2nd place with 15% of the votes behind the dog in the #1 spot with 31% of the vote. More than likely, not receiving a get out of jail free card is the shoe, the iron, or the wheelbarrow.

My 2 favorite new pieces

Although there doesn’t seem to be an immediate threat, better safe than sorry. So, go to their page and vote to save the race car (a.k.a. inmate 52745). We don’t care which token you vote in -although it would be cool to see the helicopter or the robot win. Keep in mind that you can vote everyday until they announce the winner and loser. Vote now and vote often.

The rest of the contenders

About the author

Tracy Shayhorn

Tracy began in the automotive industry in 2002 as the marketing manager for a performance shop, which she helped co-found. As a marketing ploy, she found herself piloting high-powered racecars built at their shop. You may recognize Tracy from shows like Bullrun on and Ultimate Car Build Off. Tracy has used her racing career and media platforms to encourage and empower women to feel more comfortable in the automotive and motorsports arenas by starting up all women driving schools and automotive workshops. She now enjoys writing and shooting photos in her spare time for Power Automedia automotive magazines.
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