Whiteline Takes The Sway Out Of Your Bars

Getting the little things right is important, but it often gets overlooked. We pay a lot of attention to big, flashy stuff like monster superchargers or huge rubber, but the details that literally keep the car together don’t always get the love they deserve. That’s one thing that separates a truly world-class build from the rest of the pack – are the nuts and bolts as carefully-chosen as the rest of the package?

Whiteline understands that “God is in the details.” The Australian suspension component manufacturer is best known for their import parts, but they had a couple hidden gems in their SEMA booth that show how attention to detail knows no nation of origin.

Their sway bar lateral locks are just that kind of hardware – not flashy, but there to do a job that sometimes gets overlooked. Available in a range of sizes to fit bars from 15-33mm in diameter, these two piece gold-anodized aluminum locks use stainless steel hardware to clamp on to the sway bar and positively locate it from side to side. This prevents sideways motion to increase sway bar effectiveness, and prevent the bar from contacting chassis or suspension components due to unwanted flex.

So too, with Whiteline’s adjustable end links. Factory sway bar links aren’t adjustable to take out (or add) preload, and use rubber bushings to reduce noise and vibration at the cost of greatly reduced effectiveness. Typical aftermarket links use open Heim joint ball ends that attract grit and wear out before they should. Whiteline’s links solve all those problems with sealed ball joints for durability, and single- or double-adjustable bodies.

About the author

Paul Huizenga

After some close calls on the street in his late teens and early twenties, Paul Huizenga discovered organized drag racing and never looked back, becoming a SFI-Certified tech inspector and avid bracket racer. Formerly the editor of OverRev and Race Pages magazines, Huizenga set out on his own in 2009 to become a freelance writer and editor.
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