VMP’s Latest Gen 6 Superchargers Boost 2015-2023 Mustangs By 350+HP

VMP’s Latest Gen 6 Superchargers Boost 2015-2023 Mustangs By 350+HP

VMP Performance delivered a surprise and delight when it partnered with Whipple Superchargers for its 2024-and-newer Mustang supercharger kits. Now, the company is expanding its twin-screw offerings to include the S550 stallions powered by the Gen 2 and Gen 3 Coyote 5.0-liter engines.

They’re going to get a great result with our new kit on any generation of Coyote… — Justin Starkey, VMP Performance

“Our partnership with Whipple has given us access to larger and more efficient rotor sets,” Justin Starkey, President of VMP Performance, said. “We’re always looking for ways to make more power and this one was a no-brainer.”

VMP Performance recently expanded its lineup of Gen 6 3.0-liter supercharger kits to include the Gen 2 and Gen 3 Coyote-powered 2015-2023 Mustang GTs. These kits will add as much as 350 rear-wheel horsepower to these S550 Mustangs. (Photo Credit: VMP Performance)

While the second variant of Ford’s vaunted Coyote engine might not be as optimized as the latest versions, it is still a potent performer. This is especially true when boost is applied.

Leveling Up

“Speaking from my vantage point of ’14-plus models in the Coyote game, there are more similarities than differences. For example, the first-gen Coyote is not that bad out of the box. It has more baggage than the newer ones, we did stupid stuff early on, we used less-efficient superchargers, and the ring lands are tighter. I think that’s where it gets a bad name for not holding as much power,” Justin explained. “With a highly efficient blower and a steady diet of good fuel, it’s a very capable engine. Sure, the heads and cams are not as good, but we’re talking 10 to 20 horsepower on your average blower setup.”

Likewise, the third generation of Coyote engine responds nicely to supercharging and these engines have proven quite rugged when the proper supporting hardware and tuning are part of the equation.

These kits include a 3.875-inch pulley for 91- to 93-octane fuels. They also include high-flow intercooler pumps and dual-core and dual-pass intercoolers.

“When an engine is naturally aspirated, the airflow side matters a lot more than when you are forcing boost through it, so you’ll see Gen 2 and newer engines make more naturally aspirated, but boost closes the gap. I think Gen 2 is a great platform. It has the better, as-cast Boss cylinder heads and better cams. The bottom ends also seem to hold up well in the 800- to 900-rear-wheel-horsepower range,” Justin said. “Then Gen 3 adds direct injection, which makes more horsepower and torque, especially naturally aspirated, but it’s a much more complicated engine. The bottom ends seem to be strong, though, and the heads flow very well. For the customer that is just going to bolt on a blower kit and run 93 octane or 93-plus with Boostane, none of this really matters. They’re going to get a great result with our new kit on any generation of Coyote. Worth noting is that our power gains come from the efficiency compared to previous generation kits. We’re not running any more boost or tuning them more aggressively. This keeps the strain off the engine internals.”

New Screws

These latest systems are based on the vaunted Gen 6 3.0-liter twin-screw supercharger. The 2015-2017 and 2018-2023 Mustang kits include a robust roster of supporting hardware, including a 112mm throttle body, 56-lb/hr fuel injectors, a VMP fuel-pump voltage booster, a high-flow intercooler pump, a dual-core, dual-pass intercooler, and a complementary calibration to bring the whole package together.

“Our Stage 3 kit comes ready to go with our new larger round throttle body, high-flow fuel injectors, and a VMP plug-and-play fuel pump booster, so they are ready to go right out of the box,” Justin said.

These kits include everything needed for a high level of performance right out of the box, including a complementary VMP calibration designed to deliver stock-style driveability. The 56 lb/hr injectors work with a VMP Fuel Pump Voltage Booster to deliver ample fuel and the 112mm throttle body ensures the blower breathes freely.

For more information on VMP’s Gen 6 supercharger offerings for the 2015-2107 and 2018-2020 Mustang GTs, visit the company’s website right here. This is just the beginning of the company’s expansion of Gen 6 kits, with the red-hot, Coyote-powered F-150s the next systems on the horizon.

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About the author

Steve Turner

Steve Turner brings decades of passion and knowledge in the world of Ford performance, having covered it for over 20 years. From the swan song of the Fox Mustang to the birth of the Coyote, Steve had a front-row seat.
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