Holley now offers a new accessory drive kit designed to modernize classic Ford small-block engines. This kit allows owners of vintage Ford vehicles to replace outdated V-belt systems with a more efficient serpentine belt system, ultimately enhancing vehicle functionality.
Holley’s video media production specialist, Ray Frescas, demonstrated the process behind the installation of Holley’s small block Ford kit. For safety, he first disconnects the vehicle’s negative battery terminal. Then, he removed the radiator after draining its fluid.
This provides better access to the engine’s front-mounted components. With clear access, Ray removed the old V-belt setup. The alternator, water pump pulley, associated brackets, and power steering components come off next. Removing 10 bolts that secure it then exposes the timing cover.
The Holley kit includes a new timing cover gasket. Ray used a small amount of RTV sealant to hold the gasket in place and install a new front oil pan rubber seal. He then carefully mounted the new timing cover to the engine block, initially tightening the bolts by hand.
A special alignment tool is also included in the Ford Accessory Drive Kit. It ensures that the cover centers perfectly on the crankshaft. This versatile tool also aids in the installation of the front main seal. Ray tightened the timing cover bolts in a specific cross pattern to the proper torque.
The kit’s design offers flexibility. Owners can configure the new coolant inlet for either left or right-side entry. The package also includes a new cartridge-style water pump. Ray then carefully aligned their indexing studs and gaskets during installation.
Ray then mounts the air conditioning compressor using specific bolts. Before the power steering pump installation, an adapter assembly is attached. The kit provides options for connecting the heater return line. It also includes a plug to seal an unused dipstick hole.
Depending on the vehicle, the crank pulley may need a spacer. Once Ray mounted all accessories, a helpful diagram aids in routing the new serpentine belt. Cosmetic covers add a clean finish.
Ray completed the installation of the Ford Accessory Drive Kit by making connections for the power steering, alternator, and heater hose. He then reinstalled the radiator and topped off the fluids. Before starting the engine, a thorough check of all connections and fluid levels is important.