B&M/Hurst Announces 4th Annual Charity Car Show

B&M and Hurst are two of the best known names in the muscle car theater, and their parts can literally be found in hundreds of thousands of cars across the country, and the world. With the kind of name recognition that these two companies have, comes a great responsibility to give back to the car community.

B&M and Hurst have joined forces for their 4th Annual Charity Car Show, and because the event has been getting bigger and bigger, they have moved to a bigger venue for 2011.

Cars have long been a way to draw attention and funding towards charity events. Many race car drivers donate their down time towards noble goals, as do many aftermarket companies and of course the major automakers as well. That’s because members of the car hobby come from every walk of life, and many are willing and able to donate time and money to worthy causes.

The B&M/Hurst Charity Car Show will benefit the SEMA Memorial Scholar Fund, with the proceeds from the event going towards fostering the next generation of industry leaders and innovators. In the long run, this will directly benefit members of the car community who are helping fund this initiative.

Last year’s show at the B&M/Hurst factory drew over 600 cars, up from 350 the year before. At this rate, they’re anticipating over 1,000 cars, mainly classic and modern muscle, to show up at their new venue, Corporate Pointe in West Hills, California (only a mile away from their factory).

There will be over 50 trophies up for grabs, so if you’re in the area and want to give back to the hobby we all enjoy, head to the show on Sunday, April 10th. Early registration  before April 1st costs $35 and comes with a t-shirt, while registration at the gate still costs $35, but doesn’t come with a t-shirt. Kind of a no-brainer, isn’t it?

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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