Jay Leno’s Garage Makes Television Premiere With 2016 Camaro


Last spring Jay Leno stepped down as host of The Tonight Show for the second time, handing over the reins to Jimmy Fallon and “retiring” to host his car show, Jay Leno’s Garage, on YouTube. But while Leno has twice tried to get out of the television industry, the television industry apparently isn’t done with him as he returns to CNBC, bringing his YouTube series with him.

Yes you read that right, Jay Leno’s Garage has come to cable television, premiering last week with an episode focused on American muscle cars and featuring the all-new 2016 Chevy Camaro, among others.

leno-1Worry not, as Leno will continue to update his weekly YouTube version of the show, but the episodes are only available to watch on the CNBC website for now. Leno made sure to give all of big three American muscle cars a chance to shine, going over the finer details of both the Dodge Challenger Hellcat and the new Shelby GT350R. Unfortunately, the 2016 Camaro was relegated as a mere prop, rather than a talking point, probably shoehorned in there by some slipper GM marketing money.

Jay didn’t just talk about the cars by himself though, inviting Detroit native and notorious car aficionado Tim Allen to join him in burning rubber off of some classic American muscle. NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson also made an appearance on the show to lend some of his car and star power. For his ride in the 2016 Camaro, Jay was joined at the drag strip by famed drag racer Erica Enders-Stevens, where she talks about her automotive background while both avoid any discussion of the new Camaro whatsoever.

Here’s hoping Leno gets to do a proper segment on the 2016 Camaro soon.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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