“SEMA: Battle Of The Builders” Airs Monday Night On MotorTrend

Like many enthusiasts (we assume), SEMA’s Battle of the Builders is something we look forward to each year. From checking out the crazy builds at the SEMA show to following along with them beforehand – all the way to the reveal of the winner in the beginning of the year.

For those of you that are not familiar, the Battle of the Builders competition draws roughly 300 top vehicle builders from all over the world. They spend months and months building their vehicles, showcasing the newest and most badass parts in the industry – all to be put on display at the SEMA Show. This year’s categories included: Hot Rod, Truck/Off-Road, Sport Compact and Young Guns.

Specifically chosen industry judges narrow it down to 12 finalists, who then take over judging duties and vote to name the overall winner.

Now, in its fifth year, the all-new Battle of the Builders competition will be aired on Tonight, on MotorTrend Monday, January 7th, at 10:00 p.m. (EST/PST). It’s hosted by two big industry names, Tanner Foust and Adrienne “AJ” Janic. Per the press release, the show allows viewers to get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at top vehicles from the 2018 SEMA Show as builders share the stories behind their epic creations.

This year’s program features more up-and-coming young participants than ever before. In addition to established industry icons, young builders, such as Kyle Kuhnhausen (who we were rooting for), are featured throughout the show. Kyle’s 1972 Nissan 240Z placed in the Top 4 this year, alongside proven industry veterans. You can learn more about his build HERE.

About the author

Vinny Costa

Fast cars, motorcycles, and loud music are what get Vinny’s blood pumping. Catch him behind the wheel of his ’68 Firebird. Chances are, Black Sabbath will be playing in the background.
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