Video: “Harbinger” ’69 Mustang Hits the Track

“Harbinger” is defined as a herald, foreshadowing an event, or an omen. In the days of knights and princesses, a herald often went into town ahead of his liege to announce the lord’s arrival. A bad omen can bring terror and chaos, but a good omen can bring joy and prosperity. So what does any of this have to do with Mustangs?

Agent 47 recently showed off their race-ready rolling chassis at SEMA 2010 and dubbed it the Harbinger. After watching the video, the name certainly fits.

Why? Well the Harbinger has been purpose built to deliver the ultimate driving performance in a Mustang. It can deliver victory for the driver of this noble steed, which Agent 47 is selling as a rolling chassis for $59,500. Based either on a Dynacorn replica body, or a ’69 or ’70 Mustang chassis of your own, the Harbinger is designed for fast corning and consistent performance on the street or racetrack. It looks like the evil twin of the 1969 Boss Trans Am Mustangs.

For all that money your Harbinger Mustang comes with a floating 9” rear end , a 12-point roll cage, custom low-drag hood, V-link rear suspension, and a whole lot more. The car in the video (which features some fantastic production values) is equipped with a 630-horsepower V8 engine and absolutely tears ass around the track. We think the “good twin” wouldn’t stand a chance against this modern interpretation of the Mustang.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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