Video: Celebrating A Decade With The Ford GT

When the Ford GT was first announced in the early 2000s, some high falutent writers laughed at the notion of a $150,000 Ford. Who would pay such an outrageous sum for a vehicle with a Blue Oval badge? Well as it turns out, a lot of people found the idea of a $150,000 Ford supercar with 550 horsepower and a classically-inspired design quite palatable. From Jeremy Clarkson to the oil barons of Dubai, the Ford GT has proven once again that some designs are just timeless.

Once again Ford was taking Ferrari to task, and outclassing exotic cars that cost anywhere from two to nearly ten times as much, the GT became the darling of automotive media. Ten years later it remains a favorite platform for high end tuners, and those who prefer domestic performance over something from overseas. The engine technology in the GT paved the way for the 2007 Shelby GT500, and you could go as far to say even the blindingly fast 2013-14 GT500 models.

ford-gt-2Crank and Piston Magazine, which follows Dubai’s obsession with supercars, exotics, and other high-dollar vehicles, put together an excellent tribute to the Ford GT to celebrate its tenth anniversary.

ford-gt-1This video is as simple as the Ford GT is complex, and the passion this vehicle evokes can be felt in every frame. From the jittery, coffee-addicted start to the humble rumble of the 5.4 liter supercharged V8, this video captures the very essence of why people spend their whole lives in the pursuit of speed and horsepower.

For in a car like the Ford GT, freedom can be found underfoot, with every purposeful twitch of your right ankle sending hundreds of horsepower to the rear wheels. It makes a person feel removed from the world and from the daily burdens that we often obsess over. With all the fuss around the 50th anniversary of the Mustang, let’s take a moment to remember another amazing Ford sports car.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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