Video: LS-Swapped Willys Jeep on Nitrous Races Corvette ZR1

The original Willys Jeep is credited with helping America turn the tide of World War II against the Axis powers, and pretty much defined the concept of a go-anywhere vehicle. As such, it enjoys a stellar reputation even almost 70 years after the end of World War II, to the point where hot rodders are still figuring out wild and radical ways of making the Willys a fun, look-at-me ride.

But this LSx-powered Willys Jeep is a perfectly good reason to deny owner Justin Miller any kind of life insurance, and we can’t overstate how many dumb, illegal things are going on in this video. That said, watching this nitrous-injected Willys lay the smackdown on a Corvette ZR1 is the kind of entertainment we can neither condone, nor turn away from.

We originally caught up to Justin when all the Willys had done was a LS1 V8 engine and automatic transmission swap, and since then he has added a shot of nitrous. On the juice, the Willys Jeep lifts the front end and blows the Corvette ZR1 out of the water, leaving it behind as the 1,600 pound war machine shoots off down the road. Just for giggles, the Willys races a Honda CBR 600 street bike as well. Guess who wins?

If you think that’s crazy though, get this. Since this video, Miller has gone back into the shop, adding a ProCharger supercharger to his LS1 engine and boosting output to 610 horsepower and 543 pound-feet of torque… in a 1,600 pound Jeep with no roll cage or even seat belts. Like we said, all kinds of crazy/stupid, and we hope Miller installs some racing seats and a rollcage before the inevitable happens. Godspeed you crazy bastard.

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About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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