For all the time and effort we put into building big, powerful engines, arguably the most important part in any performance car is the suspension. Without a proper setup, even a big-power motor is worth jack-all if you can’t get the power to the wheels and keep it straight down the 1320.
The automotive aftermarket has responded with entire sub-frames and suspension systems designed to bring classic muscle cars into the 21st century of handling. But how do they make these car-altering suspensions? QA1 put together this brief video showing how one of their Mustang K-members goes from pieces of tubular steel into an integral part of any performance car setup.
Located in Lakeville, Minnesota, QA1 has been building suspension components for a long time, and it all starts with raw materials. The Mustang K-member starts out as pieces of plate, tubular, and CNC-machined steel components. The parts are all welded together before being powdercoated and sent to final assembly and shipping.
That’s the brief breakdown, but the video goes much more in-depth than that, explaining the importance of each step to the final product. From tube bending to plate cutting to welding to powder coating, each and every step is important to producing a superior suspension product. If you dig manufacturing processes like we do, you’ll enjoy this video too.