America is full of people who willingly put their lives at risk for pure entertainment purposes. From skydiving to bungie jumping to “urban running” which is really just fancy talk for jumping from buildings without dying, America loves some extreme sports. And in the world of racing, there are no sports more extreme than Figure Eight racing.
It is exactly what it sounds like; a race on a figure-eight track with competitors frequently crossing in front of each other, all but guaranteeing an accident. While usually these accidents happen at low speeds, this next video shows what happens when two racers don’t slow down in this most dangerous of motorsports.
This video is actually about two years old, and comes Slinger Super Speedway in Wisconsin. Slinger has been around since the late 1940s, and the figure eight track has always proven popular with the crowd. After all, most people come to car races for the crashes, and figure eight racing makes the likelihood of an accident very, very high. That’s why all the cars are kinda, well, crap.
Though the cars are kind of crappy, no one wants to see their ride get wrecked. The accident doesn’t come until almost the end of the video and involves Ryan Lovald, who passed a stalled competitor right before the crossing and hit Rick Bruskiewicz right behind the right front tire at high speed. This sent Ryan’s car rolling in an explosive accident, although amazingly both drivers walked away.
The cars might be crap, but the safety equipment is apparently top notch in figure eight racing, and it’s a good thing too.